AJA’s well-respected quarterly publication, Court Review, features current articles on trends, innovations, and topics of practical interest to judges. The current issue featured articles are excerpted below.
65th Anniversary issue
Volume 60, Issue 4
What Do the Findings from Six NCSC’s Public Opinion Surveys
Mean for Judges
By David B. Rottman
The survey findings reported here consistently tell us the only significant factors explaining the amount of trust people have in the judiciary are the degree to which they believe the judicial process meets the criteria that matter to them: the quality of treatment and the quality of decision-making judges deliver — the elements defining procedural fairness. More.
Observations from NCSC’s State of the State Courts Public Opinion Surveys
Fiction with Potential Repercussions: An Update on the CSI Effect
By Melissa Corbett & Veronica Stinson
This article examines the current state of the scientific literature on the CSI Effect and updates readers on how the CSI Effect has emerged in legal proceedings. More.
Reprint: Fact or Fiction? The Myth and Reality of the CSI Effect
A Fractured Supreme Court: Select Criminal Law and Procedure Cases from the Supreme Court’s 2023-24 Term
By Eve Brensike Primus & Jordan Schuler
Perhaps more striking than the Court’s decisions in the cases reviewed here was the Justices’ lack of consensus. More.
- Wrapping Up Our Anniversary Series and Seeking the Courage to Learn
- Complete Issue
- Cover
- Table of Contents
- Editor's Note
- President's Column
- Canon Conversations: Best Intentions
- Thoughts from Canada: Secret Trials, Protecting Informants and Judges
- Crossword
- The Resource Page
(in PDF format, requires Adobe Acrobat reader)
You may browse digital copies of the current Court Review issue, as well as back issues, here.